Can You Replace a Door Without Replacing the Frame? Find Out Here

Can You Replace a Door Without Replacing the Frame

Can you replace a door without replacing the frame? It’s common for business owners to ask themselves this question. That’s why we’ll go over the primary considerations when going for this option.

Can You Replace a Door Without Replacing the Frame ?

Changing Business Door with Previous Frame

So, can you replace a door without replacing the frame? It’s possible to do this process for any door type if the jamb is in good condition. Moreover, the structure must not be out of square. Make sure to use the same size as the previous door.

Moreover, you won’t need any special tools when replacing any exterior doors on existing frames. Professionals often cut the hinge mortise with a chisel and hammer.

As a result, you can be sure that the overall cost will be much more affordable than a complete door replacement.

7 Steps on Replacing Doors in Existing Frames

How to Replace Doors in Existing Frames

Doors are essential for any business. Whether they are your premises’ front door or an interior door for employees, these features can get damaged over time, especially if people are using them on a day-to-day basis.

Sadly, there are times in which your business might not have the budget to replace all the damaged doors fully. And, as we said before, a complete replacement isn’t what you need if your door frames are in top condition.

That’s why we’ll go over the main actions expert contractors take when changing your doors with pre-existing frames. That way, you can get a clear picture of the things you’ll need for this process.

These are the main steps our professionals follow when replacing doors in existing door frames:

  1. Remove the old door.
  2. Lay the old door and the new one side by side.
  3. Mark the position of the hinges.
  4. Trim the new door with a circular saw.
  5. Fit and attach the hinges onto the new door .
  6. Position the door and reinsert the hinge pins.
  7. Install the knob to the new door .

These measures are mostly for wooden door types since they are the ones most susceptible to damage. Nevertheless, experts use a similar process when dealing with sliding doors.

Additionally, this process will take around 2.5 and 3 hours. So, be sure to pick a time frame that works best for your business.

Remove the Old Door

When replacing a door without removing the jamb, the first step experts do when replacing a door is detaching the previous prehung door . They do so by taking out the hinge pins from the door.

Then, professionals proceed with lifting the door from the frame. They sometimes use a hammer with a flat screwdriver to help them if the door is too tight.

Lay the Old Door and the New One Side by Side

After effectively removing the previous pre-hung door , they place it beside the new one. Since they need the exact size of the door, they must compare them both to verify their measurements.

They can also place the door on top of the old door.

When comparing both doors, professionals must also make sure that they face the same way and direction. That way, they avoid hanging them with the wrong orientation.

Mark the Position of the Hinges

Once they finish measuring, door specialists mark the hinges’ locations on the side of the door. While doing this step, they also note any necessary adjustments they need to make on the door. By doing so, they ensure that both doors are precisely the same.

Trim the New Door with a Circular Saw

Although it might be scary to trim the new door, professionals must do it if the door isn’t the same size. While a circular saw is a go-to choice for this process, there are other tools you can cut the door with, like jigsaws.

Fit and Attach the Hinges onto the New Door

After trimming the door and having the hinge locations marked up, it’s time to start fitting and attaching the hinges.

The hinges experts can be either the previous ones or new ones.

When reusing the previous door’s hinges, experts must remove them and place them on top of the markings. On the other hand, they must first ensure they fit the existing recesses on the door frame using new ones.

Next, they proceed on creating a template from these hinges. Finally, they use the hammer and chisel to make the incisions on the door.

Following the fitting of the hinges, contractors then screw only one leaf of the hinge onto the door’s jamb.

Position the Door and Reinsert the Hinge Pins

Subsequently, professionals place the new door onto the hinges and reinsert the pins of the hinges. That way, they tighten up the door.

They must take the other hinge leaf and screw it onto the newly cut recesses.

Install the Knob to the New Door

As the last step, door specialists install the handle or knob onto the door. Like with the hinges, they must line up the door to where the previous latch plate was. After that, the professional team must mark the spot and finish off by making the hole for the knob.

If you wish, you can also ask them to install any security system to protect your business.

Is It Possible to Install a Door Without Any Frame ?

Can You Install a Commercial Door Without Any Frame

While you can purchase a door without a frame, remember that it must count on a framework if you want it to function correctly. Door jambs help support a door and grant it the function to open and close. So, long story short, you can’t install a door without a frame.

Now that you know the answer to the question “can you replace a door without replacing the frame,” along with the main steps professionals take when doing this process, you can now proceed with changing your commercial establishment’s doors!

Remember that when needing any professional help with these job types, you can always count on the assistance of Chicago Door People. Our crew will provide you with the commercial door services your premise needs.

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